Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter bunnies?

From West 71st street
In park,  scanned from old slide
A lostling in the Rambles.  I wish I'd brought him home.


Saturday, March 30, 2013

Table manners?

I could watch grackle antics all day. Of course, the feeder should be for little birds.....

Friday, March 29, 2013

More spring

Food for juncos
Gorgeous color bufflehead
71st Street Rabbit

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Finally... a warmer day. Nature knows it.
No worms yet, but fine male robins.

Monday, March 25, 2013

In the files

Digging in the files on another project.  There were weeks when I walked around with diffusion filter on lens, my impressionistic days, film days.  Kitten should not have been in park. Too young.  Cows were a placid wooden bunch down near the Dairy.
Poor dead flicker near Azalea Pond, 1988.
Squirrel "House" near the Oven. Sun came out and the babies emerged out of center hole on high. If a raptor circled the whole family vanished downstairs.
Self explanatory.  I've seen this only once in 30 years of nature-watching.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Red and red

I love when the cardinals come and ask for a handout.
Test shot with little Canon G15, not a birding camera, but fine for grab shots.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

In the bushes

It's that time of year. Migration.  Check the bushes, best place to find woodcocks, which my Virginia pal calls Timberdoodles.
I don't thing hawks dine on woodcocks, but I guess anything is possible.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Warmer weather

No ice.  This bluejay cracked me up, flew to the water and screamed. Message clear, "I'm tough and this is my spot!"
Not all water is for drinking. Bath puddle.
Edibles in the stalk. It's amazing how the chickadees can find the kernels.