Monday, November 30, 2020


Where's Waldo?  That's what it feels like when searching for owls.  First the perfectly camouflaged great horned owl.

                                                            The less well hidden barred owl

          Not an owl, but still hidden in the leaves, sort of. It pays to watch down, not just up.


Sunday, November 29, 2020

The barred owls

Barred owls are in the city at this time of year. Central Park, Riverside Park...... rather than tramp around I went into my files and pulled favorite images. Gentle owls. Private owls. Fascinating faces.


Friday, November 27, 2020

Chicka-chicka-chickadee dee dee

After watching friends chow down yesterday oodles of food it's a pleasure watching  tiny bird peck bits, acrobatics  supreme. Cooperative little charmer.


Thursday, November 26, 2020

Quiet during the day, predictable

Not exactly cooperative hermit thrush. nice lay of light.  Almost same size as a robin.

Only one robin downstairs. mature male.
Male house sparrow, bold bird.
What is this sparrow doing? Probably constructing a nest for colder weather, definitely not for breeding.

                                                                 Upside down lunch.

                                                                More food hunting.

                                      White throated sparrow. They're all over the garden.