Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Busy garden space

The male robins were facing off. The big brawl was at my feet, too close for pictures.

I had put out a few nuts for the titmice. The robin ate them all. More convenient than worms I guess.

                              Sparrow gang bang. The female held her own, no interest.

Uncooperative titmice. More interested in seed bits. There were at least titmice feeding.

                                   I hope the grackles stick around, stunningly beautiful.

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

An hour in the garden

         Totally uncooperative titmice picking in the leaves for bits of invisible food.

  The male robins got into a face-off right at my feet, too close to photograph.  Fierce.

                        I put out peanuts for the titmice. The male robin ate them up.

This started out calmly but turned into a potential gang-bang. Female fought off the males.