Saturday, April 13, 2024

Window collision

I was standing near the lobby window when I heard a loud thump. Turned and saw a flicker fly to a branch not far from window. Sat on branch not moving, head pointed skyward, mouth slightly open, eyes closed. Concussed? Anything is possible, but it's beak was not fractured.  I decided to stand and watch.

Five minutes passed. No change really except for eyes opened a slit, but then closed again.

Slight slit opening of eyes.  Five more minutes passed.

I moved to other side of tree and saw eyes more open and mouth closed.
Finally head in more normal position.
But no self-respecting flicker would stay put with human so close,

Finally it began to be more aware.  Two more minutes and it flew off. Very scary crash.

In the main lawn area the gardeners have put down grass seeds. The West Side pigeons are feasting.

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