Thursday, June 4, 2009

End of week #1

The robin fledglings have now been out of the nest one week. They can both run around the ground, but seem to prefer sitting in the berry trees. This makes for easy feeding for Papa,
food-at-hand. The first born recognizes the berries and will peck at them every once in a while. They still have to learn to feed themselves, pick berries and seeds and find their own worms. The robins co-exist at peace with the cardinals who also like the berries. Papa cardinal is bringing berries to his mate who is nest-sitting nearby. However, other robins are driven out of the territory by both Mama and Papa. To my amazement the babies chased away sparrows. They gave a warning call and the sparrows departed. Mama is building her next nest in this same space, about 1/3 acre, a nest up high. She's learned a good lesson,
higher = safer.

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