Saturday, September 21, 2019


Off to Fairway for some groceries. In the front of the store, inside, they had chunks of jackfruit, probably 1/4 of the total fruit pod. Jackfruit??? What's that?? Looks totally weird. How much? Less than $3.  I could buy a bar of chocolate for more than that. Why not try Jackfruit, inexpensive fun. Maybe.
Time to check out. I asked the cashier, "How does it taste"? No idea, but another gal knew. "It tastes like nothing".  Oh boy, I'm going to have fun, buy something that doesn't cost much that has no taste. I asked her what part of this hunk you eat. "Most people eat the yellow part".   Now I'm ready for anything. Go home. Take off plastic wrapping and take pictures. I also like photographing dead fish. 
Fascinating looking. Sort of smells fruity, subtle.
Now for the operation. How to cut this thing. Poke and a big seed pops out, just like a bird pellet.
I nibble a bit. Mmmm, nice, sweetish, mangoish?   It took about 1/2 an hour to get all the "meat" out. Take more pictures.
Saving some of the fruit for later. It tastes pleasant. I love playing with my food. Jackfruit. Whoever knew?  There are recipes online. I'll eat the raw fruit for now.

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