Saturday, October 17, 2020

The phoebe

I never expected to see this, an eastern phoebe waiting to catch bugs. I could hear the snap when it caught something. What followed was a first. All birds eject pellets composed of food their body can't digest. I've seen raptors and baby robins eject pellets and know what's going to happen by their body movement.
The phoebe wasn't singing. Something was going to happen. I waited.
Could it be? I'm not a ghoul and birds ejecting pellets isn't anything like a human getting sick.
I watched and could see the bit of pellet beginning to emerge.  The photo trick is to pray you can get the exact ejection. The chances are 1 in a 1,000,000.
I didn't get the ejection,but you can see the shadow of the pellet at the bottom of the final picture. Big pellet from a tiny bird. The phoebe was around all day.

Watching for bugs from the watering can is a good angle.

Two mockers appeared and did battle over berries. Only one laid claim to this tree.

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