Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Cheep! Cheep!

The first clue was the sound, the "Feed me!!" demand of the fledgling robin. The sound was coming from in the brush. It was a matter of waiting, perhaps futile waiting because the baby knows to seek cover, but finally the child appeared, not a brand new fledgling, a week-out-of-the-nest fledgling doing the feed-me routine.

Movement caught my eye to the right. Oh!!! Next family nest under construction. Papa feeds fledgling. Mama builds next house.

I watched for a while. The first new robin of the season is always a pleasure to see.

Over on the Point the nestling robin is almost ready to fledge. I suspect the two nest-mates have fledged into the branches above the nest. I could hear their calls, but couldn't see them.


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