Monday, May 1, 2023


 I brought organic blueberries and placed them below leaves. Parent robin was on them in three seconds. Robins don't like raspberries, but they love blueberries and mulberries. Mother feeding babies.
Two hatchlings. Eyes not yet open but know what to do when food gets delivered. They swallow blueberries down the hatch. There could be a third hatchlings. There were three eggs that would hatch in the same order they were laid. Sometimes not all hatch.

Father at nest.

This is the father, note darker head and darker breast feathers.
It got grey and drizzly. Parent sits on nest to protect  babies.  This the mama on nest.
Well hidden dove on her nest.
Incubation time. The covid mask nest. Not easy viewing for family, but great for masks.  Hatchlings in maybe 17 days.

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