Saturday, June 5, 2010

Keeping cool

It's very nice to come out of the house and find neighbor robin having a Sitzbath. On muggy days I wouldn't mind doing the same thing.

Another comforting method is anting, spread out and let ants remove parasites in wings. I wasn't sure if this was a mature robin,.. needed to see the breast.

Immature. They know instinctively how to keep their feathers clean. Lovely.

Close by there was a second immature robin. It was pecking on wood like a woodpecker. I suspect there were bugs in the wood.

And in the brush in a fenced off space, a third immature robin, younger, yelling at parent for food. When it saw me it scooted back under the brush. Good protection. Invisible baby.

Later at midday the adult robin was anting on the Strawberry Field path.


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