Tuesday, October 26, 2010

More gold sweetness

I hope that it turns cooler with a good wind and this sweet prothonotary gets the migration message. Hanging at the Library isn't natural,... but it sure is fun. Down, up, in between, bug food, people food, a real urban adventure, but all this bird has to do is head west on 42nd street, see the river and keep on going.

Perch on chair backs and survey the area.

The prothonotary wasn't the only bird in this space. A sapsucker was working the Library trees.

Four hundred pictures shot, time to head uptown. In the park I saw a flock of kinglets working the baseball field, waited for them to chomp closer (the field is fenced off), when suddenly a bluejay flew down, silently, attacked one of the kinglets, flew off, (not with a catch). All kinglets vanished up into the trees. I could hear them, but not see them. It was a real stealth attack, maybe territorially motivated.
The bluejay should meet this critter, West 69th street.


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