Thursday, July 3, 2008

The best show in the neighborhood

I was going to write about the beauty of Central Park in the summer, but I never got beyond the garden path, Maternity Row. The baby robins are growing and putting on a wonderful juvenile show. There's one neighbor who's wheelchair-bound. She can sit for hours and watch the robin antics. Other people stop in their tracks, gawk, run back home for their cameras. There isn't anyone who isn't enthralled by the jack-in-the-box sight as they pop up for a food delivery and as goofy as the babies are looking now, they are adorable. The nest is crowded and is going to get more crowded. The parent robins know what they're doing, so with luck nobody will tumble out of this nest before being fledge-ready.
Meanwhile the mourning doves are doing their thing. Mama incubates all night. Papa incubates all day. There is construction taking place over their heads and they don't seem to be disturbed. The "changing of the guard" takes place in about 3 seconds, approximately 10 a.m. and 5p.m. I've missed it every time.

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