Tuesday, April 26, 2011


G, G, and P. - Goldfinch, Grosbeak and Parula.

I do love the bolts of yellow. There were a couple of goldfinches facing-off. Thankfully one sat still for a second.
It's not always possible to be in the optimal position. The rose beasted grosbeak had bathed and was now grooming. I didn't want to spook the bird, so hid behind a tree. A front view would have been nice, but seeing the feathers and this private moment was thrilling.

The grosbeak flew into the tree and began eating the seeds. From below it looked as if the blossoms were being eaten.

It got grayer as the afternoon wore on. Not the best angle or the best lighting for the pretty parula, but better than the days before.

More to come. Happy time in the park even if this is a strain on the neck.


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